The Message vs. A Messenger
Two very different approaches to building businesses. Both work. Both are distinct.
Being the message is problematic if you seek to build an enterprise that scales income beyond your own ability to produce it. Being the message infers the buck, the content, the value, the importance, the spotlight, is all on you, all the time. You are the service... When you are on, you get paid. When you are off, you do not. Your "Service" and your income are limited by your output.
On the other hand, being a messenger allows you to showcase another person, good or service. If you showcase great people, goods, and services they often promote themselves. As an agent, you serve others (a professional messenger). As an agent of great "Goods", you can earn income even when you are not working (i.e. purchasing online). As an agency owner, you revenue share with other agents that serve many (many professional messengers). Being a "Goods" agent takes the spotlight off you having to be the content. Being a "Goods" agency scales your income well beyond your own ability to produce it.
Not all Health Food Agents own Health Food Agencies. But all Health Food Agency owners are Health Food Agents. Either way, being an agent and/or owning an agency helps redirect the spotlight off you while compensating your accordingly. Shining the spotlight on others, shows others how they could do what you do. In leading by example, for others, you put yourself in a position to grow from an agent to an agency owner.