Distribution: A Better Way in Health Food
#1099 Agents and Agency owners are compensated instead of wholesalers, advertisers, and retail stores.
Good companies are looking for good people to produce impact and income. Good "Goods" companies are finding that an agent/agency approach to distribution is an effective way to improve customer care (at a relational level), steward s "buy local" mindset, and improve micro-market penetration around the world. Compared to an old-school approach (above), health food agents and agencies deliver a refreshingly simple approach to making a difference one person at a time, at scale, around the world.
Effective & Efficient
HFAs are some of most prolific 5, 6, & 7 agents in their industry. Distribution drives revenue and it is comes from a few simple things.
- Get Customers. HFAs add value, get customers, and create income.
- Keep 'em. HFAs deliver customer care (after purchase) which produces retention. HFAs have one of the highest retention rates in the industry. #BetterIncome
- Consumables. Add value, get and keep customers is good. HFAs offer health food (i.e. daily) consumables that deliver #ConsistentIncome
- Sustainable. Sustainable daily consumption (i.e. healthy habits) are the very best for creating a steady stream of cash flow. HFAs offer hygienic health food. #EvenBetterIncome
- Scalable. Royalties, financial leverage, licensing, technology, employees, and partners are examples that grow income beyond one's own ability to produce (work for) it. Health Food Agency owners build partnerships. Distribution partnerships create revenue sharing with a team of HFAs. Think Real Estate, Insurance, Sports, and Ad... #Agencies.
- Meaningful. Money and meaning. Purpose and profits. HFAs inspire healthy living, leading, and owning around the world. It is good work. #SuccessandFulfillment
- Democratized: Anyone can become a health food agent. It is $50 to activate a virtual HFA business. The top earning HFA in the world started out as broke waiter in his early 20s.
To learn more connect with your HFA or email us at healthfoodagency@gmail.com