Healthy Revolutionaries: in Life, Liberty, & Pursuit
Health. Innovation. Gigs.
Revolutions begin with revolutionaries. Revolutionaries initiate revolutionary (tribal) acts. Revolutionary acts end oppression (at a macro and micro level). Revolutionary acts include...Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report; if there is any virtue and praise, think (and act) on these things. Bravehearts welcome.
Realizing the American Dream has become a revolutionary act.
HEALTHY LIVING REVOLUTION. Health, used to be incidental. Today it is an adaptive trait, acquired skillset, and functional doing. It is a curriculum for modern living alongside reading, writing and arithmetic. What do healthy living revolutionaries look like and what do they do? They look like you and me and their acts are simple, healthy and enduring. They live, lead and own healthy living enterprises. Bravehearts welcome.
ECONOMIC FREEDOM REVOLUTION. Wealth, is not incidental. It is made. Forged in enterprise. Enterprise is a free choice and not for everyone (i.e. employees). Being an entrepreneur involves owning the means of production. Today, the proprietors means of production are expanding and barriers to (business) entry are collapsing. For example, launching a business, from your home, is not novel anymore. A new normal, perhaps, for achieving the American Dream. Business ownership is the single most correlated attribute to wealth in America. Bravehearts welcome.
The "Haves" own businesses (the means of production).
REVOLUTIONARY ACTS. Companies produce revolutionary acts. Think different and innovate. What stands between innovation and impact is growth. Good companies empower good people to do good work. The GIG Economy allows the nature and power of distribution (goods, services & compensation) to shift back to the oldest form of enterprise there is... Person to person. It provides a way to forge, build and turn a side hustle into a well paying gig. It is a low risk, high reward way to own a business (#legaltaxshelter). Bravehearts welcome.
Only one company above offers a way to own an "Agency".
A HEALTHY LIVING BUSINESS REVOLUTION. The American, Industrial, and Digital Revolutions, embody a recurring theme. Opportunity mixed with difficulty and some sort of character transformation (i.e. governance, economies, and technology). What might a healthy living business revolution look like and who wins?
Health Food Agents and Agencies are a #1099 #HLBR. Their culture is mission driven and they inspire healthy living, leading and owning around the world. They turn vulnerability into brawn, clarity into bravado and simplicity into brain power. HFA's are the most prolific 5&6 figure independent agents in their industry. See if our MANIFESTO speaks to you.
As all possibility begins in conversation, we invite you to tune into "FREEDOM REVOLUTION" Zoom Series. You won’t have to buy anything. We simply invite you to lean in, experience, and explore with us, what being and Health Food Agent and owning a Health Food Agency is all about.
For the WEEKLY link and access code, connect with your HFA or email us at