Toni Olson
Co-founder, health coach, and Top 1% earner. She is a two-time Elton Award nominee and featured “Mom on a Mission” on product, business and Children's Health Study videos. Toni's passion is to help people take responsibility for their own health, wealth and vitality. More specifically, Toni loves helping parents get their families eating well. Toni says, “One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the gift of health.” Prior, Toni served as international sales and marketing director for the Park City Chamber of Commerce. Also, Toni worked for the United States Olympic Committee, in France, during the 1992 Winter Olympic Games (where she and Jeff met). Prior, she coordinated international conferences for Tufts University in Talloires, France. Toni received a double degree from Tufts University; International Relations and Nutrition. In addition, she is a certified health coach and wellness educator.
An invitation from a Mom on a mission
LIFESTYLE: We play in a sandbox of health & results, impact & income, independence & community, mastery & discovery, purpose & play, and character & contribution. LEADERSHIP: We lead across 3 industries. Momentum is on our side. Tried, proven and built to last... for you. ENTERPRISE: Own your income: Profits > Wages. We are the most prolific 5, 6, & 7 figure (#1099) income earners in health food.
…all breakthroughs begin with a change in belief
...healthy, free enterprise is a cornerstone of the American Dream
Ambassadors, Agents & Agency
Like real estate, insurance, and sports agents or marketing, modeling and digital agencies, we enable Health Food Agents & Agencies. Agents have no high start-up costs, no production or purchase rules and no territories. Agency owners profit share with agents and receive a full corporate benefits package.
Health Food Agents and Agencies represent one of the most successful health food companies in the world. For agents, compensation is based on building their own customer base. For agency owners it is based on building a successful team of agents. We will help guide and mentor you on creating your own successful businesses. Your earning capacity has no restrictions and you can build your business at your own pace.
Income ranges are shown below. Whether you choose to do a little or a lot, we welcome you. Most agents start by building enduring side income. Agents who choose to can build an agency and grow income beyond their own abilities. Agency owners (working part-time) can earn full-time income with benefits. Here are some agent videos, in their own words: Health Food Agent Pro stories.